Regular expression (regex) is primarily used for string manipulation and filtering, so that you can search and process the strings within a system.
It can get complicated very quickly, and regex requires practice.
Unless you’re working in an environment where you’re always doing string processing, don’t worry too much about it.
If you’re aspiring to be a data engineer, knowing how to use regex is definitely going to be a plus.
Regex Wildcards, Sets, and Escaping
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 01-Ins_Regex_WildcardsSetsEscaping
folder to get started.
Students Do: Regex Wildcards, Sets, and Escaping
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 02-Stu_Regex_WildcardsSetsEscaping
folder to get started.
Regex Special Characters
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 03-Ins_Regex_Special_Characters
folder to get started.
Students Do: Regex Special Characters
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 04-Stu_Regex_Special_Characters
folder to get started.
Regex Grouping
Let’s open up the file in the 05-Ins_Regex_Groups
folder to get started.
Students Do: Regex Grouping
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 06-Stu_Regex_Groups
folder to get started.
Transforming and Cleaning IoT Data
Let’s open up the file(s) in the 07-Evr_Transforming_Cleaning_IoT_Data
folder to get started.